2021 Blueberries are ready to pick...
Please check back as we update our website frequently. Blueberries are sold $15.00 by the gallon. We hand pick blueberries fresh from the shrub. Blueberries are measured by the cup, sixteen cups equal a gallon and blueberries are packaged into gallon sized freezer bags and then refrigerated for you to pick up. Please message us directly or call Jon directly for placing your order and for more information.
Jon Thieman #605-742-4059
Video above features Technique’s for Picking Blueberries
Jon Thieman
Plant and grow sustainable vegetables and fruits. Inspire youth to garden. Try your hand at landscaping. Sketch and draw your growing plans. Visit a farmstead. Research techniques and methods for growing. Talk with your teachers, elders and Grandparents about growing for the future.
June is the month of harvest. Berries may ripen to pick a week early or late depending on the year. The varieties we grow are Climax, Powder Blue, Tifton Blue and Brightwells. It takes 5-8 years to establish blueberry shrubs.
Our farm is located on Lookout Mountain in NE Alabama. The orchard is routinely mowed. Prepare as needed for picking berries remembering sunscreen and bug spray. Be prepared for uneven footing and a degree of fitness required to walk the orchard.
Hand Picked
Blueberries ripen at intervals. Generally 3-4 Full orchard picks will end the season. Ripe berries easily fall into your hand while picking. You may also accidentally knock off some berries. Picking blueberries requires care.
Blueberries are sold by the gallon. Blueberries are measured by the cup, sixteen cups equal a gallon and blueberries are packaged into gallon sized freezer bags.
Blueberries go from bush to gallon bag without washing. A dry cool environment will prolong the life of your blueberries.
Home to You
When you arrive home wash your hands and rinse your berries in a colander under cool running water. Now that your berries are clean; eat and process how you choose. Be sure to keep berries dry for longevity.